Note: You need the pro version of zk to use this feature. However, even if you just have the free version, you can still use the scripts mentioned here, by copying them into zk.ini, deleting the zkbat line from the start of each, and surrounding each with the appropriate function formalities. That lets you use them from the zk command line, even though you still can't invoke them directly from the operating system command line unless you have the pro version of zk. If you're a pro version user, you will appreciate the zkbat feature because it lets you use scripts the same way you use operating system commands. You might even want to write a large number of your own scripts, because you have a much more powerful language now than the batch command language used for ordinary batch files. Here is how to get started writing scripts: A zkbat script is like an ordinary batch file (*.bat) except that it has c++ code and is interpreted by zk. The name of the script file is name.bat, where name is the name of the script. By naming it with the .bat extension, we tell the operating system that it's an executable script, so it can be invoked directly from the operating system command line without running zk explicitly first. To write your own zkbat script files, start with proto.bat, which tells you what to do, and also look at what.bat and bat.bat, which are scripts to display specially formatted/filtered directory listings, using various functions of the zk library (see library.txt). To call one script from another, use the call command, e.g. "call myscript".